Wednesday, April 4, 2012

New Beginnings

Nothing beats a good sunrise.  You’ve heard that one before, right?  It’s a nice thought, but not necessarily true.   There are quite a few things in my life that give streaks of crimsons and yellows and oranges of all shades, peaking over a hill a good run for their money.

In no particular order, the following come to my simple mind:

 I once used a yellow lab puppy to help me propose to my beautiful wife…and it worked!…A time or two over the years, there have been students or players who went out of their way to say thanks, and meant it…Sometimes I sing songs, and people dance, or even cry, and that’s pretty special…  When you enter the house after a long day and that same lab is there to greet you, all while fending off two special kids who are bear-hugging each leg…that’s priceless.

Sunrises get great competition from the feeling of watching a rising trout slurp in one of your homemade flies.  Or, picking a couple black queens in the blinds of a game of sheephead is nice.  As is finding a crumpled ten-dollar bill in the front pocket of your favorite jeans.

Sunrises do not make any promises.  They do, however, provide hope.  And hope is pretty darn special.  They give hope that you are going to be better today than you were yesterday.  Hope that you are going to get a couple things crossed off that bucket list.  Hope that just maybe, that co-worker who gets under your skin, will be out of the office today.

Don’t get me wrong.  I love sunrises.  And fortunately, I live in a place where there are some special ones, so hopefully you do as well. Or at least places you can visit.  Here’s a few local attractions.

I love to see fog starting to burn off a duck marsh in the Tiffany Bottoms. There’s not a painting sweeter than a patch of water cress and brook trout fins in the foreground, as the Pine Creek Valley comes to life.  It would be worth your while to scan the bluffs to the north of Merrick State Park; blazing orange as the sun announces its presence; giving a hint that it may darn well slow down the now frantic pan fish bite.

There are things that beat a good sunrise…but not many. 

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